National Gardening Week 9-15 October 2022
Posted by Dale Parsons on 11th Oct 2022
National Gardening Week offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the simple joys of gardening and to promote an activity that is good for both mind and body!
Over the last few years, we as a nation have faced droughts, fires, floods and the uncertainty that a global pandemic can bring to our lives. Gardening, whether it be on country acres, a suburban block or a high-rise balcony, can be a refuge from your day-to-day worries, a haven to lose one’s self and a pastime to find peace with nature.
Follow the link below to learn more – Dig In
The focus for National Gardening Week 2022 is all about that journey of discovery. Discover the garden, discover the plants and discover the passion! Dig in and discover the simple joys that gardening brings!
In 2022, we also celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee and to mark the occasion, the Queens Green Canopy initiative or “treebilee”, was launched. The aim is to plant trees to extend the ‘green canopy’ in the UK and across the world. Given our recent devasting bushfires and the loss of so much of our own green canopy, “treebilee” presents a great opportunity to plant a tree and celebrate National Gardening Week.
National Gardening Week is proudly supported by the Garden Clubs of Australia (GCA). Established in 1950, GCA it is the nation’s premiere organisation for garden clubs and other like-minded groups and today has more than 750 affiliates representing over 50,000 members. National Gardening Week fulfils one of the organisations main aims of extending the culture of gardening into the wider community for the benefit of all citizens, with many of the affiliate garden clubs celebrating the event each year.
Read the full article: https://gardenclubs.org.au/national-gardening-week/