
Mullumbimby Couch

Mullumbimby Couch

Mullumbimby Couch Weed (Cyperus brevifolius)

Common Names

Globe Kyllinga, Perennial Greenhead Sedge, Short-Leaf Flatsedge


Mullumbimby Couch is a persistent, grass-like weed with underground runners and upright, three-angled stems reaching up to 40 cm tall. Its bright green, hairless leaves (1–3 mm wide) sheath the base of the stem. The plant produces compact, pale green seed heads (6–7 mm long) with three or four leafy bracts at the base. Seeds are small, yellow to reddish-brown, and topped with a short projection.

Growth & Spread

  • Spreads through underground runners (rhizomes) and seeds.
  • Seeds are dispersed by water, animals, mowers, and contaminated soil.
  • Forms dense colonies via creeping stems.

Similar Weeds

  • Kyllinga Weed (Cyperus sesquiflorus) – Grows in tufts, has pale whitish seed heads with a larger central spike.
  • Slender Sedge (Cyperus gracilis) – Has a finer, more delicate appearance.

Control Tip: Early removal is crucial, as the underground runners make it difficult to eradicate once established.


Warning: Please check product application labels (available on each product page) before purchasing to ensure suitability for your needs.


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