7 Key Steps to a Lawn Renovation

7 Key Steps to a Lawn Renovation

It's now Spring time, and as you know, in nature that’s when everything thrives!

With your lawn starting to grow frantically, anytime now is ideal to give your lawn a renovation to get it through the growing months.

You may be wondering if your lawn really needs a renovation?
Renovation may be necessary if excess dead thatch has built up, lawn grub or fungal issues have developed, or if it's simply looking tired and in need of revitalising.

Other causes of poor lawn quality can include poor drainage areas (causing fungal issues) that need improving, or lawn damage from contractors working on your property.

Either way, it’s a good idea to identify just what has been the cause of any deterioration before undertaking a renovation so you carry out a curative program accordingly. This ensures your turf will recover from the stress its had and uphold great turfgrass quality.

Watch our video below below to find out more about the steps to a lawn renovation, and be sure to keep scrolling to check out our lawn renovation recommended products!

7 Key Steps to a Lawn Renovation:

  1. Address any current issues with your lawn – whether it be fungal issues, lawn grubs, nutrient deficiency, or weeds – getting on top of these first and ensuring you have an action plan after your renovation is important to get the best results
  2. Now it's time to aerate your lawn using either a solid tine aerator or coring machine. Aeration helps to alleviate soil compaction and increase oxygen, nutrients and water penetration into the soil profile.
    Aeration machines are available for hire from most local equipment hire yards.
  3. Next up is to dethatch your lawn. Firstly mow your lawn, using a lower cut than usual, and then dethatch using a scarifying machine – available for hire from most local equipment hire yards. This process removes dead grass/thatch and organic matter from the grass canopy to allow for better nutrient, water and oxygen penetration to the root zone.
  4. Now mow or rake up all the thatch you have pulled to the surface, and run the scarifying machine over again – this time at a 90 degree angle to the direction you first went – you'll be amazed at how much more thatch will be pulled to the surface! Once again, mow up the dead thatch and proceed to the next step.
  5. Now its time to topdress! Topdressing helps to increase nutrient retention, improve drainage, increase disease and pest resistance and slow the build-up of thatch.
    Using a good quality washed river sand, spread it evenly over the surface of your lawn. To make the job easier and faster, we recommend distributing the topdress material with a  Landzie Topdress Spreader, and then a Levelawn to smooth out the surface and massage the topdress into your lawn.
  6. To top off a renovation it is critical to apply a good quality slow release fertiliser. This will aid in grass recovery and ensure the turf bounces back as quickly as possible. We recommend our popular Combi Green slow release fertiliser.
    You should also consider adding any soil amendments like Gypsum which will improve soil structure (especially in clay soils), increase air movement, and prevent reduce water run-off. Gypsum will also supply Calcium and Sulphur required by your turf to thrive.
  7. Finally its time to turn on the taps and get on with watering to settle the topdress further and help activate the nutrition you've applied. A simple rule for watering is more water, less often!

This is a brief overview of the steps involved of a lawn renovation - every situation varies and we'd love the opportunity to talk to you and help you out with the best action plan for your lawn needs.


The Garden Superstore Team


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