Battling Weeds: Bindii

Battling Weeds: Bindii

Protect you and your family's feet from these nasty prickles in your lawn!

Bindii, also known as Soliva sessilis or "jo-jo," is a low-growing, invasive weed that produces painful, prickly seeds. This pesky weed can be a significant problem in home lawns, parks, and recreational areas, where the spiky seeds can make walking, playing, or even relaxing outdoors a painful experience. Now is the time to strike before Bindii emerges or flowers, and we're here to help you reclaim your lawn from this troublesome weed.

Bindii identification

This post will explore various methods to eliminate Bindii from your lawn, including preventative measures, targeted herbicides, and other maintenance tips. We'll also discuss the importance of repeat spraying and the use of wetter surfactants for a Bindii-free summer lawn.

Understanding Bindii

Before tackling Bindii infestations, it's essential to understand the nature of the weed itself. Bindii is an annual weed that grows from seed and typically germinates in autumn and winter. The plant forms a low, flat rosette with fern-like leaves, and during spring and summer, it produces small yellow flowers followed by distinctive, spiky seeds.

Lawn Care and Prevention

Preventing Bindii infestations starts with proper lawn care. A healthy, well-maintained lawn is less susceptible to weed invasion. Here are some essential lawn care tips to help prevent Bindii from taking over your yard:

  1. Mow regularly: Regular mowing helps maintain the health and vigour of your lawn, making it more resistant to weed invasions. Keep the grass at a consistent height and avoid cutting it too short, which can stress it and make it more vulnerable to weeds.
  2. Fertilise: Apply a slow-release fertiliser in autumn and spring to encourage strong root growth and improve overall lawn health. A well-fertilised lawn will be more resistant to weed invasion.
  3. Aerate: Aerating your lawn in the spring and fall can help improve water and nutrient uptake, promoting a more robust lawn that can out-compete weeds like Bindii.
  4. Water deeply and infrequently: Water your lawn deeply but infrequently, encouraging deep root growth and making it more resilient to weed invasion.

Choosing the Right Herbicide

Using a targeted herbicide is an effective way to control Bindii in your lawn. Different herbicides are available, depending on the type of grass in your lawn.

For Couch Lawns: Surefire Dicamba M Selective Herbicide is an excellent choice for couch grass lawns. This selective herbicide targets Bindii and other broadleaf weeds without damaging your grass.

For Buffalo or Zoysia Lawns (or if you're unsure of your lawn type): Surefire Buffalo - Bindii & Broadleaf Weedkiller is a safe and effective option for these grass types. This product controls Bindii and other broadleaf weeds in buffalo and zoysia lawns.

Proper Herbicide Application

To effectively control Bindii with herbicides, applying them correctly is crucial. Here are some essential tips for applying herbicides to your lawn:

  1. Follow label directions: Always read and follow the label directions on any herbicide product. This includes using the correct application rate and applying the herbicide at the appropriate time.
  2. Repeat spray every two weeks: Bindii seeds can continue to germinate after your initial herbicide application. To ensure you eliminate all Bindii weeds, repeat the spray every two weeks until they're all dead.
  3. Use a wetter surfactant: Adding a wetter surfactant, like Reactor Wetter 600, to your herbicide solution can increase penetration and effectiveness. This helps the herbicide stick to the Bindii leaves and improve absorption, leading to better control.
  4. Apply during ideal conditions: Herbicides are most effective when applied during mild temperatures and calm weather. Avoid applying herbicides during extreme heat, heavy rainfall, or strong winds, as this can reduce their effectiveness and may cause damage to your lawn.
  5. Use a dedicated sprayer: To ensure even coverage and avoid cross-contamination, use a dedicated garden sprayer for applying herbicides to your lawn. Make sure to clean the sprayer thoroughly after each use.

Utilising our Application Rate Calculator

To avoid wasting chemicals and ensure the most effective treatment, knowing how much herbicide you'll need for your lawn is essential. Our new application rate calculator can help you quickly calculate the required amount of product. Follow the prompts, input the necessary information, and the calculator will accurately measure the herbicide needed for your specific lawn.

Ongoing Lawn Maintenance

Once you've eliminated Bindii from your lawn, it's crucial to maintain proper lawn care practices to prevent future infestations. In addition to the preventative measures discussed earlier, consider implementing the following tips:

  1. Overseed: If your lawn has bare or thinning areas, overseeding can help fill in those spots and create a dense, healthy lawn that's more resistant to weeds.
  2. Apply pre-emergent herbicides: If Bindii has been a persistent problem in your lawn, consider applying a pre-emergent herbicide in the fall to prevent the weed seeds from germinating. Be sure to choose a pre-emergent herbicide that's safe for your grass type.
  3. Regularly inspect your lawn: Regularly check your lawn for any signs of Bindii or other weeds. Early detection and treatment can help prevent widespread infestations.

A Bindii-free lawn is possible with the right knowledge, tools, and techniques. By understanding the nature of Bindii, implementing proper lawn care practices, and using targeted herbicides, you can effectively eliminate this troublesome weed and create a lush, healthy lawn for you and your family to enjoy.

Please get in touch with our friendly team if you have any questions or need further assistance. We're here to help you grow and maintain the perfect lawn, free of Bindii and other pesky weeds. Happy gardening!


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