Battling Weeds: How to Deal With Crab Grass, Clover & Other Weeds in Your Lawn
Posted by Dale Parsons on 5th Sep 2022
Crab Grass & Clover
Have you noticed how the weeds are growing faster than your lawn at this time of year? Pesky weeds like crab grass (summer grass) and clover will outcompete your lawn very rapidly... Stop them in their tracks with David Grays Crabgrass & Clover Killer. This handy product comes in an affordable 200mL bottle, and is also registered to treat a range of other weeds including Bindii, Dandelion, Nutgrass and Paspallum.
Some weeds thrive in poor soils, and soil that has drainage issues... don’t forget to fertilize – having a thick healthy lawn makes it harder for the weeds to grow. We recommend Combi Green as a great option for any lawn year round – it includes 5% Seaweed to help improve soil and root health. One bag of Combi Green will cover 500-1000m2.
Aerating and then raking sand in is a good way to help with drainage. If your lawn is enormous and this is out of your realm – call in a lawn professional!
Don't forget to check out our weeds problem solver if you're struggling with other types of weeds in your lawn and garden.
Please contact our friendly team if you have any questions...
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